Primary Color Palette
- Blue
#00000 - Maroon
#00000 - Salmon
#00000 - Red
#00000 - Green
The primary color palette contains an assortment of colors - not creating a unifying brand - but allowing for clearer separation between the sections of the application.
Application Elements and Structure Palette
- Black
#00000 - Blue-Active
#00000 - Gray
#00000 - Gray-BG
#00000 - White
Outside of the Primary Palette, Site Elements are used to create clearer direction on the applicaiton by adding readability, wayfinding, and highlighting interactivity.
Persona / Journey Palette
- Orange
#00000 - Red-Dark
#00000 - Red-BG
#00000 - Blue-BG
Additional Sections can sometimes benefit from a complimentary palette. This can be a risk, if not use carefully it can be jarring - but properly placed it can allow individual elements to stand out from the overall brand and layout of the application.